I've kind of been doing this self evaluation thing lately. Some of it's because I've been goin' to church, some of it is the fact that I'm about to be 24 and haven't done ANY of the things I said I was going to.
What happened to me?
I was supposed to write this big time novel.
I was supposed to publish a few poems.
I was supposed to be a teacher.
I was supposed to be stable; a working car, a place to call my own.
Then I think...
High school ended.
I come up with excuses.
Joey died...
Now I think, why did that have to stop me? How it's just an excuse.
Truth be told.. It hurt when he left.
And it still does.
Sure, I'm in college, have my AA, about a year and a half out of my B.A. But at 22/23 I should have been done. I should be in a classroom doing what I feel I'm supposed to do. And what's my excuse?
If anything, I've learned about the "we're not promised tomorrow" because of it. But learning something, and applying something are two different things.
I think it's time.
Time to stop with all the excuses and do everything I aspire to be. I have SO many ambitions!
Time to stop with all the negativity. I LOVE the positive energy I feel when I feel it! There's not so much weight on my shoulders; I can breathe!
It's time to be optimistic. To look at our glasses as MORE than just half full!
We're not given tomorrow.
Let's seize today!
What About Me?

- MissK505
- I'm a writer. End of story. Actually, the beginning, but close enough. I discovered my talent around the age of 12 though I did not fully put it to the test until my sophmore year of high school. It was an English teacher who recognized my talents and help me push to be better. I took a poetry class in college that opened my eyes up to the world of poetry. I learned many forms, as well as exercised them. August 13, 2007: a day that has changed me forever. You see, I lost my best friend that day; 14 years gone and all I'm left with is memories. With that being said, my writing went MIA for three years, and now, it's SO much different then what it used to be. Take it or leave it; you need my words in your life.
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